The benefits of supplemental magnesium continue to gain support based on data from prominent researchers and major universities. Magnesium should be an abundant mineral in the human body, but dietary intake has decreased leading to widespread deficiencies. Packaged foods and drinks, including bottled water, have greatly reduced magnesium content. As magnesium is critical for many diverse biochemical reactions in our body, it is important to assure an adequate intake with supplemental magnesium.
Daily magnesium intake in Western countries has declined from approximately 500 mg per day to about 200 mg per day since the beginning of the last century. This has resulted in an increased likelihood of magnesium deficiencies among the Western population.
Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, energy production, and many more critical functions to stay healthy. It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the important antioxidant glutathione.
Some of the benefits of supplemental magnesium include:• Increased energy
• Calms nerves and anxiety
• Reduces mood swings
• Helps you fall asleep
• More productive sleep
• Relieves constipation
• Reduces muscle aches and spasms
• Regulates calcium, potassium and sodium
• Benefits heart health
• Supports alcohol recovery
Many studies have concluded that geographical areas with high magnesium in the soil and water have healthier populations. As food processing and water purification reduce magnesium levels, it is unlikely to achieve a healthy amount of magnesium in the common day diet.
Supplemental magnesium comes in a variety of dosages and forms. Each person can have different tolerance and absorption rates for each variation of supplemental magnesium. However, a general rule of thumb is the more concentrated the magnesium content, the lower the absorption rate and personal tolerance. Concentrated forms of magnesium are less expensive and appear more desirable because of a smaller size and/or count of the pills required to get a substantial amount of magnesium. However, there is more to the story.
Unabsorbed magnesium acts as a laxative, so the goal should be to take only as much as your body will absorb. Your personal absorption rate will be unique to you based on many factors. For instance, those with strong stomach acid production can generally tolerate a higher dosage of concentrated magnesium.
Dietary supplements have a percentage daily value (DV) listed on the label, and for magnesium 400 mg provides 100%. While this government mandated listing assures you are consuming a certain amount of magnesium, it does not assure you are absorbing enough magnesium. As such, a magnesium product with higher bioavailability may be more important than a high dosage.
Magnesium bisglycinate is a unique and highly bio-available amino acid chelate. Unlike most amino acid chelates, the bisglycinate is double chelated – meaning it is chelated to two separate glycine molecules. As glycine is one of the most utilized amino acids, this facilitates rapid absorption through multiple routes.
I recommend Albion magnesium bisglycinate chelate which is added to many products in the marketplace. Watch this YouTube video for more information about Albion Minerals and magnesium bisglycinate.
I suggest trying magnesium bisglycinate. See for yourself what magnesium can do for you!
Best of health,
Dale Fowkes